Emergency Dentist in Dallas, TX: Get a Same-Day Appointment

Need an Emergency Dentist in Dallas, TX?

Get Emergency Dental Care Today

We Can See You Right Away!

patient with severe toothache needing an emergency dentist in Dallas, TX.

We Provide Care When It Matters

We know that dental emergencies can be inconvenient and that they usually need attention as soon as possible. Our practice is designed in a way that allows for new patient emergencies to almost always be assisted on the same day. While we encourage our emergency patients to join our regular care program, you are not required to do so in order to take advantage of our short-notice appointments.

We are here for you!

Do you have pain or damage? Have you cracked or even knocked out a tooth? Call our team immediately, and our emergency dentist in Dallas, TX, Dr. Bishop will give you instructions on how to manage your emergency before fitting you into his schedule for treatment on the same day. After all, fast diagnosis and emergency dental care can make all the difference in saving your tooth!

Smiling patient after seeing our emergency dentist.

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